

Growing Old
whispers in the shadows that we hide.
Will the truth be told or keep our secrets because of pride.

we're all heading to the same place and to figure it out ain't that hard. This is the honest truth to be told. None of us escape the graveyard. As we wither away as we get old.

The wrinkles on my face and the scars I try to hide. All my hair is turning Grey as with the passing of time. To old to keep secrets but trust me I tried. This hill in my age is getting harder to climb.

I think about this as my body starts to age and decay. I think about growing old most nights and try to remember the good times in the day.

I've made so many mistakes so I know I didn't live it right. But I always gave all my love and I want you to remember that when it's my final good night.
© M.Moss