

Echoes of Dreams

Beneath the moon's soft, gentle hue,
A world of dreams comes into view.
Whispers of stars, a cosmic choir,
Echo the yearnings of heart's desire.

In shadows cast by the midnight's veil,
Feelings and thoughts begin to sail.
A symphony of emotions takes flight,
As verses weave through the silent night.

Imagination dances with grace,
Creating stories in boundless space.
Fantasies bloom like flowers fair,
In the garden of words, they linger there.

The pain of loss, the joys that gleam,
Find their refuge in this poetic stream.
A tapestry woven of joy and strife,
Capturing the essence of human life.

With pen in hand and spirit alight,
I paint the canvas of endless night.
Each stroke of ink, a piece of my soul,
A journey of words, a pathway to stroll.

Oh, tender heart, so eager to share,
Pouring emotions into the open air.
Through the tapestry woven,
dreams take flight,
In the realm of poetry's
enchanting light.

© Kyuli