

Love of blood
In shadows cast by moon's pale glow,
A tale of love begins to grow,
Between the realms of night and day,
Where blood and tears both find their way.

A vampire's heart, so cold and still,
Yet for a human, starts to thrill,
In twilight's grasp, they meet by chance,
A fateful, haunting, dark romance.

Her eyes, a mirror to her soul,
His heart, a void, an endless hole,
Yet in her gaze, he finds his light,
A beacon in his endless night.

With every touch, a bittersweet,
His thirst for blood, her heart's soft beat,
A dance of shadows, fraught with pain,
A love that can't be, yet remains.

Her blood, his curse, her life, his thirst,
Each kiss a wound, their bond accursed,
Yet still they cling, through every tear,
In passion's grip, defying fear.

But fate is cruel, and time unkind,
A love like theirs, the world will bind,
For in the end, a choice must fall,
To save one life, and lose it all.

In one last dawn, she breathes her last,
His heart shatters, a painful blast,
Her blood, now still, her life, now gone,
A vampire's love, forever mourned.

Tears mix with blood, as memories fade,
A love so deep, in twilight stayed,
A tale of sorrow, etched in stone,
Two hearts as one, yet both alone.

In every night, he'll see her face,
Her mortal love, his dark embrace,
A vampire's grief, an endless sea,
In blood love's pain, he'll always be.

But love's cruel hand does not relent,
For even he must face torment,
The vampire's heart, now shattered glass,
Finds no solace as ages pass.

One fateful eve, his strength gives way,
He falls, consumed by love's decay,
His immortal life, at last, undone,
A requiem for love begun.

In death, he finds her once again,
Their spirits freed from mortal pain,
Two souls entwined, in night and day,
Together, always, come what may.

And in the world, their tale survives,
In whispered winds and moonlit skies,
A love eternal, deep and true,
In every drop of morning dew.

Her memory, like morning's light,
Illuminates the darkest night,
For though they fell to love's cruel game,
Their bond endures, an endless flame.
© Dean_2062