

A restless me

All that i want to be
The great wonders, i wish to see
The falling leaf of the maple tree
The melodious notes of the violine.
The restless feeling now i face
The tasteless aura i witness
I wonder to how i not shove it
In the middle of nowhere, i permit
To grab a clean sheet and wipe the past
Have to move steady without outbursts
Good and bad are sugar and salts
Without it the dish of life feels bland
And to endure and capture and heartily confess
Be brave and strong, go on with progress
And once again this restless me
Goes back to bed thinking thee;
I wonder how i long to explore
Hearing the breeze that passes the shore
Flies my skirt and smiling at the sun
In the dream that i have begun
The cherry blossom petal falls on my face
The mind looses it's distress
I realised how much i'm blessed
Still alive and neverthless;
My soul i have to caress
And for the coming days make progress
Now my mind is less restless.

© soumi's_here