

The moment after proposal...
The falling petals on bare, cold ground.
Delicately blown like chaff by the chilly breeze.
Down the rectilinear slope into a freezing river.
One that awaits a lil' bit of more snow flakes
to complete it's latent heat of fusion.
I wait as more snowflakes fall on the remaining, boldest petals of the deciduous
Over and over again, I won't cease to wonder,
if spring will arrive with brightly petalled leaves
Or trite, underwhelming reality.
Will the seeds which I've sown germinate into radiant, blue moon orchid
Or I'll have to accept the weeds that may germinate instead?
I long to wait for a response as I anticipate inside my lighthouse
Constructed on my small, lonely island
And like a stranded victim of ship-wreck,
I wait for the best that can sprout,
Any following moment
As I wait for this winter season to perish
In order for me to step into spring.


© @stalactite