

The life of a raindrop
Jesus is like a raindrop,
the life of a raindrop overwhelms me,
the life of Jesus amazes me.
He was born in a manger.
His birth in itself was a true miracle.

Angels rejoiced at His birth.
He performed many miracles during His time on earth,
like turn water into wine.
He raised the dead.

He healed the blind,
He walked on water.
He healed the lame.
He is the Only true light of the world
who still brings brightness into my world.

He was eventually crucified,
so our sins can be forgiven.
We as God's children will gain eternal life,
How great is our God!

Just as a raindrop , descends from above,
Jesus descended upon the earth.
He was born yet He ascended into the heavens above after His crucixtion.
He is now seated on the right hand side of God, the father.

To me Jesus gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by,
as I get to know Him more and more,
He will always be my raindrop,
that I will always treasure no matter what!