

“Lights In Your City!” (circa 1984)
“Pulling up in my car...
Upon the horizon I can clearly view the lights in your city.
It is Summer and the sun is setting on a hot and humid day.
The weekend is about to start and I'm feeling kinda frisky.
Dressed down in my Street Cred fashion, this man is styling and profiling.
You are heavy on my mind.
Time to make our date meaningful and risky.”

“Two wayward souls merging as one within this city.
Concrete and asphalt paved right under our willing feet.
We see each other and we greet with an embrace and a hungry kiss.
The air is mingled with passion and a sprinkle or two with madness.
We are aware but we don't care.
Walking downtown under the neon glow bathing in intrigue and bliss.”

“Upon our arrival, we are greeted as the proverbial guest to the most strangest kind of party.
Like staring down the barrel of a lover's gun.
You and I hit the dance floor and everyone suddenly takes instant notice.
We start...