

Dear Mom, How?! (Short poem)
​Dear mother,
How would I live, if it weren’t for your feeding?
How would I live, if it weren’t for your affection?
How would I even be sane, if it weren’t for your hugs and kissing?
How would I survive, if it weren’t for your natural information?!
How would have I been able to walk, if it weren’t for your fingers laced through mine?
How, oh, how would I breath, if it weren’t for your kind words?
If it weren’t for your handmade food, I would’ve been living off of cones of pine.
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even know how to draw a line!
Oh, my lovely mom, you give me life like a tree!
If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been me!

Well... this poem was written on mother’s day, but I wasn’t on WritCo back then! Anyway, if you liked the poem, tell me in the comments! (Constructive Criticism is welcomed here, just don’t be rude!)
© Arshi