

The Chicken Or The Egg
Which one made it into existence first, the chicken or the egg?
Was the chicken created second?— Did the egg win by a leg?
Was the egg the winner?— The egg first to become part of dinner?
Is the egg or the chicken the product of the other's inner?
Did the egg top the chicken by around about twenty-one days?
Without the egg's conception, could there even be a chick to raise?

Was there first a hen who laid eggs, around five hundred, maybe more?
Without the egg popping out of a chicken's figural backdoor...
Without the chicken's aid, would the egg have ever become a thing?
Did the chicken heroically take the egg under her own wing?
Has the egg been poaching the birth rite belonging to the chicken?
When the chicken sees any old egg, does its crop briskly sicken?

Twenty-four-seven, three-sixty-five, does the hen have to defend?
Or is the egg having a shell of a time trying to amend?
Are chickens hatched with egg all over their little feathered faces?
Should the ovum egg-spress to the world when the chicken's birthday is?
Did the chicken mother the egg, meaning the broody hen came first?
Or did the egg burst, giving birth to the chicken?— Is it reversed?

I doubt it was the rooster first, but then again, I'm not a man...
Could a cock have created both? Cooking them up in a saucepan?
Which came first?— Adam the egg— Eve the chicken— Cock-A-Doodle-Steve?
Have they all always existed but we hadn't the eyes to perceive?
We're there none here, then one day, poof, at once, they abruptly arrived?
Are they eggs-tra-terrestrial?— Planet One Thirty Five derived?

I'm not sure which creation came first or if they were accosted
I'm not sure I'll ever be sure but this topic's been egg-hausted...

#chickenortheegg #rhyme #wordplay #debate
© danie_af