

Good in the World
Filled with threats, pride and deceit,
This world offers no tax-claimable receipt.
An inhumane competition it has become,
An unhealthy journey, devastating if not all but some.

Though dark alleys may arise around every straight and bend,
Rays of hope yet shine through and courage in them they send.
Be it in a bus driver waiting patiently after coming to a stop,
For the elderly person to take a seat before he can chop-chop.
Or by way of kindly helping a traveler in distress,
To find their way and eliminate some of their stress.

Moments like these sun-kiss the tough and curled,
Showing that there is still Good in the World!
When a teenager helps a struggling couple lift their suitcase,
Up a long flight of stairs to prevent any drop in the pace.
Or when a rando helps a mum who’s all worried ‘bout,
Lift the baby’s stroller o’er the train gap without a hesitant doubt.

It’s times like these that though there maybe brim-filled hate,
That ‘faith restored in humanity’ will help unity create.
Down, hopeless and anger-filled this planet may seem,
Just that leap, to see the good, turning it to reality from a daydream.

These are the ARKs (Acts of Random Kindness) that help nurture good

-Sheldon Dominic Fernandez
(“ARK” Movie ref. -Evan Almighty)