

To choose one
It's a cruel game when you need to choose,
Look in the eyes of a loaded gun
And tell them 'you're refusing the fun'
When you're actually hiding inside a cruise
Waiting for the moment to be left loose

It's a hefty business
When you don't know HOW but you're this vicious pretender
And you know how to let the truth never surrender
It's like in a chess game
The way - a bishop, king, queen, knight and rook
Could never match the pawn's crook
Because the little guy wears a veneer
The one that cannot be seen

You know how they all say "ONLY ONE AT A TIME... IT'S THE UNIVERSES' RHYME"
Oh but doing that this side, would feel like a crime
Because, neither can you question it - nor shall you defy
(So you hide)
Like some animal who's forgot what terror feels like

But now,
I've got 2 precious colours
In the same weather

To pick a side is a tough job to nail
Where if you pick both - your boat won't sail
And hey, it's harder when both the cities seem just as divine
But in this game you'll have to ditch one, without rolling your eyes

And like a pawn in a chess game,
I'm nobody's
Because I could never decide
When to choose and when to refuse
When to not shove in a knife and let the other one slide
When to be heard like the pawn admist the game and when to bear the pain

© Sifat K
#writer #writco #poem