

Will It Be Hidden Forever?
A plant never noticed,
Hidden in the weeds,
And is in the face of extinction.
Flowers and fruits are not that charming,
Leafs are average.
Not that useful either,
Except some insects,
But they have alternatives,
Not even poisonous,
Doesn't have smell or anything special.
At the end it seems Noone cares.
Maybe it thinks
It is just the curse of genes.

But actually the plant doesn't cares that much at all,
It just lives like a fighter how much it's possible to the extent.

So, this Plant is a hidden forever plant,
Even it's scientific name is hard to find.

© Sitara

(A Secret: This plant species has a fate the universe has written, When it is the last one left, it will be discovered as a very useful medicinal herb for a hard scary disease and will become so popular among humans for it's new found unnoticed structure. It will not become extinct at all!)