

The truth of life !!!
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way against the odds,
Do not care for anyone around you,
People exist to talk behind your back,
Don't even waste your time to reply them,
Your life is a precious journey and
You are the only one who travel till the end,
No one else even tries to last till you reach your destination,
Remember, You are the only soul for yourself.
Your hardwork will definitely pay off in the form of success and
Success in turn will answer the world's questions about you,
Throws authentic responses,
People will automatically follow you.
Erase your feelings, Remove your weakness,
Discard your laziness, Eliminate distractions.
You may fail once, twice but surely constant determination will help you reach the peak.
You are unique, unstoppable;
Have faith in yourself, gather up self confidence,
Days covered by dark opens up to bright,
Victory will be in your reign,
Starting from nothing, you get everything.
This is the truth of life....!


© Lakshmi Sangameshwara