

"Hushed confessions"
It's sad.
Not me, though.
I stopped feeling,
At least at this point.
I know I've tried.
I'm not an open book,
Not like I used to be.
You can't read my contents,
My thoughts you know not.
But do know this,
If I was ever true to you,
You can be deemed lucky.
I sometimes feel I need that reciprocated,
I feel deserving of it.
But sometimes I feel I don't deserve anything at all.
So it's far best to keep to myself.
I don't make wishes, and I solidly do not believe in dreams.
I feel some relationships should have ended better, or had no end at all.
But I feel it's for the best.
I keep to myself, my books, and the one who's mine.

I can't give out my thoughts,
And you feel it's right to hold on to yours.
Some things are best hidden.
But still, a little openness brings understanding.
I don't ask deep questions.
A little "how are you" goes a long way.
Especially if we've gone a long way.
So at least be truthful, to yourself,
Not just me.

Well, as it pleases each one of us,
I can't cut a knife to your throat.
© camvickbone