

Yin and yang
Will it be an order way too tall .
To ask for not being discrimitve of one and all .
Will my desire every shine out of my wrist .
Will it every be a reality , which could clear the hate and mist .

Blacks are ugly , they are bad .
They are criminals and lires ,
But is that the reality,
or yet another staged story of the society

Whites are beautiful and dutiful ,
It's that skin which everyone desires ,
Than why are albinoes cursed in society's eye .
The society, is it controversial or is all of this casts thing a lie .

Why are people judged on their skin .
Aren't they more than that ?
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect as people and individuals ,
Not some dumb things which are all staged .

Every colour , every skin .
Is beautiful and unique .
It deserves to be appreciated.
It deserves to be loved .

A vision of an equal society is the goal ,
So let's raise our voices for the right and for once be bold .
A world where no one will be judged for their skin ,
Is a deep , strong and true desire my heart holds .

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