

Life seems fair, when you have the courage to face all of your fears.
It's not easy for any one to live it to the fullest without worries or guilt.
What has gone wrong can't be ment
What is going to happen isn't your fault
How you are perceiving your present is your choice.
So lets celebrate our living
Fact that we are alive and we can survive
Is more important that things which might happen or had been there.
Today is our day, we can make it worthwhile.
Misery and trauma aside... Fears and worries disappear only if we have faith in our existence.
My existence and your existence is all that matter for now.
Let's celebrate for being brave enough to handle all our tantrums
Let give some meaning to our very existence
Let's learn something new and build our skills
Let's hope for the best and haave faith in our own petential
Let's believe we can do whatever we want and we should try again and not give up
Let be bold and speak our truth
Let's do things which brings us joy
Music, dance, instruments or art... Whatever we chose, I know it's only existing therapy that can cure our pain
And bring us blessings
Happiness is not a material to be bought
It's a state of mind to be achieve
By doing things which we love
By recognising those small things that always exist
One little kiss of our loved one, or just a hug, that faint smile u pass seeing ur crush, our mother's arms wide open for us. Small gesture shown by the stranger or a act of kindness from unknown.
I do care for u my friend, said by someone or the smell of your garden yard or house plant, while you water them.
If you don't remember anything that bring you joy
Stand in front of mirror
And pass a gente smile
Feel your heart beat and thank for the air you breath and water you drink, food u eat and thanks this Nature which bless you every day and only for the fct that you are living

Nothing else will bring you enough joy than gratitude.