

Dear Friend

In the tempest of life's stormy gales,
Like lightning and thunder, you show in my dark days,
With a strong passion and unfaltering might,
To calm my storms and join me in every fight.

You are a beacon of hope, strong and true,
You hold me tight when I'm feeling blue.
When the ground shakes and turns cold,
Your love and support is a stronghold.

Enveloping me with care and bringing light,
In ways beyond words, you make things right.
When my world turns shades of gray,
You bring the colors back and brighten my day.

Amid the shadows of doubt and fear,
You celebrate my victories, so sincere.
When others falter or fail to see,
You're the one who truly believes in me.

With every step I take, you're there,
To lift me up, to show you care.
In the face of odds, against the tide,
You're the one who stands with pride.

In moments of triumph and pride,
You cheer me on with unwavering intent.
Walking on these fields with me side by side,
To overcome the hurdles that life presents.

You are my soul kin,
An unbreakable link,
The gift of heaven to me,
In this world full of fake love and treachery.

When others hesitate or turn away,
You remain, a light that guides my way.
In the darkest hours when hope seems small,
You remind me to rise and give it my all.

You are my soul kin,
An unbreakable link,
The gift of heaven to me,
That I will love and cherish for eternity.

And to you my dear friend,
I will give my all...

© NeyahTheSibyl