

"To my husband"
"To my husband"

My dear husband.
The one I chosed and will chose again.
The father of my seven children.

My love.
My heartbeat.
My energy.
My everything.

I hail those strong hands of yours.
Which carry cement all day.
Which mold blocks all day.
Which fit those blocks to build walls all day.
Which become big houses one day.

I hail those solid legs of yours.
Which help push wheelbarrows of sand all day.
Which stand fearlessly on scaldfoldings all day.
Which move from one end of the walls your hands mount, to the other all day.
To make amazing houses one day.

I want to hail that brain of yours.
Which does not rest all day.
Which keeps you thinking all day.
To put food on our table everyday.

I admire every part of your body sweet heart.From the rough palms that scrub my skin,
To the strong feet that scratch me on bed.

They say you are a bricklayer and know no romance.
Oh how they lure !

They say you did not go to school and cannot count.
Oh how there lure !

They say you are not handsome and elegant.
Who told them so?
Your beauty lies in my eyes only.
Oh how they lure.

My love.
My heartbeat.
My energy.
My everything.

I am writing this note,
So you know how much I praise God for having you.
I am proud of you now, tomorrow and after.

Your wife.

© Abigail Ekangouo