

I wish I did
I saw you today;
I wanted to approach and ask you how you were;
I wanted to see your smile over again;
I wanted to tell you about my day;
How incomplete it was without seeing you;
Wanted to rant to you about the person that bothers me in class;
But I couldn't;
You know why?
Because I know that I'm not the one you want;
I'm not the one you desire;
And definitely not the one you need;
It's so heartbreaking to accept that;
Because you are who my heart want;
Whom I need and desire;
I do want to tell you that,but won't that be embarrassing?
After you reject me in public;
People call me your girl because they saw me with you once;
And they are convinced that we are together;
But we rarely talk;
But after seeing you today,I wish I approached you;
But now you are gone;
And I will remain with the huanting thought that 'I wish I did'.
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