

What makes a writer write
What makes a writer write?
it always begins with a little poem
but not always full of joydom
and not always so wholesome
but often full of sadness
sadness that you couldn't express before
now can restore

but when its finished and done
it is sitting in your drawer like its gone
like it was never born
and its forgotten
like fashion
with no passion

What makes a writer write?
The urge...
The urge to express youself
The urge to say something
not to be quiet like a bookshelf
but to say something crushing
because we can put things into words
witch others can't express

we write things that others suppress
but we don't see the succsess
because of the stress
we don't feel the warmthness...
the warmthness of our handmade pieces
and we don't see the faces
of those cases
that enjoy our languages

What makes a writer write?
its wanting...
wanting to change the mind of people
wanting them to think more twinkle
and to sprinkle
to sprinkle more deep thoughts
into theyr hearts

and to make theyr guards
fall into parts
so theyr weak charts
can regenerate into material arts
cause we are deep thinking try-hards
in a world of lonley hearts
and regards