

Among thorns

From all the roses I choose
The ones with falling petals.
It is better going against the storm
To tear its dark clouds,
To stop its flood
In the gate of my heart.
I put salt on my wounds
So, I may never fight with shadows.
When the sky gets dark
I can’t see even with best glasses.
I borrow your eyes
To glance beyond my wish.
I count the number of steps
Until I meet you.
Call me a happy servant.
Your fall is my chance.
Your cry has ears.
Your love creates the heart.
From the leftovers of an evil king.
Clean, build, born again.
The clay is very expensive today.
I found a strange name,
A light in a cave,
A golden stone on a grave,
Two hands to meet
Over the chains.
I call over mountains,
It flies me over seas
Until your feet.