

Transversing Mortality through DRUGS!
As I sat peering down the alley,which ended up in a deep valley
A joint in my hand,visuals in my mind
And I flew in the sky,ahead of time!
From up there as I looked down
The landscape had changed to blue and brown
Then I remembered as I took another HIT
This is the reality and the other life is shit
As I snorted through my bliss of COCAINE
Energy slurred through my body not in vain
As I flew higher and faster now on METH
I knew I was in too deep and had to get out of that mess
Then in turn I found LSD
I knew the meaning of life and time wrangled in me
As it became my spiritual guide
I no longer had anyone on my side.
As the trip came down to my low
I realized I had been chilling out in the snow
Then as I remembered I live in a desert,
In a hazy Fitz I got used to all the racket
As I had travelled to a whole new dimension
I knew not if I was sleeping or living my Passion
Then it all went away to my normal state
I found myself sitting at the same place
A few seconds passed , a few minutes gone
Involuntaryly exhaling the smoke of the rip
I didn't know my GANJA was finished
As it had become my routine's mimic
And at last I let go of my monstrous reality
As I took another HIT ,going into my inner serenity!