

Rising from scratch!❤️🩹
A collaboration
king bravester

**Rising from the Scratch**❤️⚡

From humble depths, a phoenix takes flight,
With tattered wings and spirit unbowed.
A scratch upon the canvas, a mark of plight,
Yet within that mark, a spark is found.

Through trials faced and obstacles endured,
The phoenix rises, stronger than before.
From ashes of despair, its flame is lured,
A beacon in the darkness, forevermore.

The scratch, once a wound, becomes a guide,
A testament to resilience, a tale to tell.
It whispers of the battles fought inside,
And the triumph that follows, beyond the knell.

With every stroke, the phoenix paints its way,
Transforming pain into a vibrant hue.
The scratch becomes a canvas, a grand display,
Where hope and strength forever renew.

For in the rising, there is victory found,
A testament to the spirit's might.
From the scratch, a masterpiece renowned,
A symbol of resilience, shining bright!

Rising from scratch!❤️🩹

In life's long race, i got trapped
not in hurry, neither on time
I never demanded it's fury,
i have seen days when the day
light would be pinching on my skin,
it could only find peace in darkness!

i could feel my happiness hiding from me,
like the sun hides in clouds
the night's draw stars around my scars!

just like that life got more desolate!
to look at life in a little different way,

I've learned to be gentle,
with that part of me which takes it in so deeply,
i tried to look it in nature ,
what I found got my wound,

the flock of migrating birds
who change their destination
every time, from habitats to strange unknown pathways!

to start a new journey,a new destination
a new season and a new reason
to caress the old scar and to rise to the stars!

Now i know about life's
deepest scars!

wd @kingbravester2.0🌈❤️

© Krishuwrites