

I'll stand by your side.
You might attempt to banish me, Yet I'll linger in forbidden corners, In the folds of your memories, And within your forgotten spaces, You'll recall my grasp on your heart.

You might strive to hush those echoes, Yet I'll resound as dawn's chorus, And rage like desert tempests, Whispering through the breeze, And patter as nocturnal rain.

You might flee from it all, Yet my visage will haunt passersby, In dreams, I'll sketch vivid portraits, My melodies will stir recollection, And within your mind, my voice will resonate.

You might endeavor to expunge me, Yet my imprint marks your threshold, As you scrub, my touch remains indelible, Etched where once we intertwined, Never again can solitude find solace within your walls."

© @adan


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