

day 0 no yearning
when are my musings of you going to come to an end?
when will my longing for you be fulfilled?
you have no idea how much this bothers me
not the slightest clue how I'm losing sanity

the walls, they see me melt into my bed
see me nestle myself in pillows and blanket
each sigh on my lips, in your name they were tainted

it will end soon for sure, this adrenaline rush
after all you're not my type, no, it's not a 'crush'
that would be silly, would be so out of reach
but when, for the love of God, will I be fulfilled?

two lonely souls starving for attention
one of them a lunatic deserving of no salvation
the other unbothered, unknowing, with zero intention

no, it's not a 'crush', I could tell after all
my muse, oh, a glance at him and proses fall
but for you, come on, I barely could look at you
the idea of us together isn't something I'm into

and yet, does this yearning crush me at night
greedily wanting more and more pieces of your mind
and to be the only person in your sight

© lostboyzephyr