

Love Triumphant
It's January 20th... And I'm here...
In this dark room journeying through my thoughts.. Am not sure what day it is..i haven't been keeping track of time lately.
So i sit here... On this cold floor with an unwavering desire to feel alive.
Knowing that death has taken me for a ride...
Am dead to love and dead to be loved...
I know that there's a better way of thinking about love than the way I'm now...
So i rest my hopes upon the Universe to show me what.
And how it feels like to love again after a heartbreak. To smile in the absence of happiness i thought was eternal...
So to all the gods of love. How beautiful it would have been for you to come to my rescue..
Have been looking for a way to get over her.
To get over the girl that pinned my heart down over simple conversation.
She made me dream about my future with her.. . Showed me that she doesn't need to be like me. She just have to be in anything am into... Cause love is a companionship.
Driving in a high way without being sure where it would lead us... Its trusting in the happiness we have created for ourselves, and believing that such happiness is enough for both of us... And it takes a leap of faith.
Sometimes it feels like she only came into my life to be a lesson...To teach me how to still love despite the pain... To persist in happiness.
It hurts to love her but it hurts more not to love her... I needed not to think about her... I need to feel nothing for her.... And this could take me a while, maybe even a lifetime... But I'll find a love i truly deserve.
So to all the gods of love... If this was a test you put my heart through... Its molded stronger.
I've given too much of me to stop now... And true love is just something i can't stop searching for.
- Singo Gomes.