

Eternal bonds
It's that bond
That Eternal Bond

Constantly lighting a flame in you
Sometimes phenomenal or sensational,
Other times explosively heated.

Oblivious to the natural elements wrought to condemn our bonds from the beginning of time..
We're set up to withstand the trials that come with it.
Pushing back, may only delay the rewards of what Unity can produce.

Escape you say?
It'll be a waste of sand from the hourglass.

This still never presidents the constant loop of deflection and minimal accountability.

The end to the cycle,
Depends on a decision to change individually.

That Eternal Bond.

There're things about one another we may absolutely hate.
Things that can throw us into uncontrollable rage.
Yet still we rise and find the strength to continue trusting that the Power that be,
Remains in Control.

This Bond, right here,
Honey, This Bond is Fire!
© CheherezadeK