

From the moment she slid out
With heavenly entourage
Sealing a covenant
Smiles lit up on their faces
Joyous sounds erupt from their throats
She did move
Carefully from the four wheels to two
Realizing it's a path she must thread

Her smile
A gift of hope to all
Her cries tend to leave worry
But the soothing hands of her mother did help
Aging, became a reality
The house couldn't be more arranged
A fill of all life has to offer
You'd forever remain my child, mama said

If you do have, you'd be stressed
If you don't,
Thinking daily becomes a lifestyle
The tauntful gaze from the neighbors become a bother
Worry becomes a hommie
Barging in when each season goes without harvest
Indeed, it's better to have and be stressed
She's a bundle of joy,
Some do want her, but haven't
Our heart felt prayers go to them
That the creator would put a smile on their face

To you who's someone's child
Remember, you did
You can
And you still put a smile on someone's face
Cheers 🥂