

A letter to my future self
A letter to the future me

Future is unknown they say
Future is unpredictable they say
People are unpredictable they say
Nothing is in our control

Yes , but there is one thing we can do,
That never goes out of fashion
That never does hurt or fail anybody
That never can be replaced by anything materialistic

Be kind darling
No matter what happens
No matter where you are at
No matter whatever position you are in

Give that last part of your food to a street dog
Keep a bowl of water for the birds on your balcony
Share your food with a neighbour who is ailing
Share love in the uncertain times

Give a ride to the stranger who needs lift
You don't have to do big things, charity or anything on a bigger perspective.

Do small things that can help one soul
Do random act of kindness to the one human being you see everyday
Give compliment to that person at your work
Maybe he or she needed that to boost their self confidence
Be the sunshine wherever you can be
Be that person who always spreads joy and positivity
Be the epicentre of love

For you never know who needs it the most and you might be their last resort to life, hope and joy.
© epadiku_aval