

What's keeping me here knowing that the end may seem so far but it's actually very near?
Guess you can call me foolish for being in love with someone who isn't in love with me and wanting to keep our family alive.
Why wait till our daughter gets older to separate? why not just get it over with now? while she's still little and won't remember that we ever existed as a family the longer we wait the more it'll be too late and she'll have memories of what used to be.
Are we that selfish to have her create hopes, dreams and inspirations in her head based off of us only to crush them instead?
I don't want to stay and have her grow seeing all the pain you and I put each other through more so you to me.
You and I both know this isn't how love and a relationship should be don't want her growing up witnessing all the toxicity and negativity.

© PoeticAngel