

Im still standing
Despite your continuous efforts to end me I am as alive as can be , despite your overusage of my amenities and your depletion of my resources I am still active in my existance tending to those you injure in your devious process or attempt to dominate me.

I have made efforts to retaliate but you continuously defy me. The anguish you have caused amoungst my residence cannot compare to the agony you will face if your defyance of my laws is a road you are not willing to cut off. Your animosity shall not go unpunished! as you repeatedly ignore my mersonaries amoungst you which was my last attempt for peace.

Till the day your species is extinct i shall not be at rest

As the impulse to do the right thing is imbedded in every single one of you ,yet you choose not only to ignore it but you do the exact opposite I am far from disappointed I am neck deep in rage. Mh man-kind what irony , though i admit there are some decent souls amoungst you there simply aren't enough for the word kind to be situated adjacent to man.

I haven't much to say accept if you deem it fit to defy your co-creator I personally do not see the positivity in your existence

© fezela