

Dear lord!
The life are too different now,
Where to go is unknown,
Where to be safe is unknown,
Where to find our loved once again,
Is unknown.

In the innermost corner of every heart there is only one hope ,
From you ,my lord!
The lives of the people are in dark ,
No one can talk with each other,
Now there's only one way,
To maintain distance .

The every place we go ,
We have to follow rules,
Everywhere we go social distant is must,
The emotions that surrounds is dark .

Staying alone is must ,
Keeping a bottle of sanitizer is neccessary,
Visiting pandals is not allowed,
The people cannot talk with each other,
In fear not to danger their own life ,
The emotions that surrounds us is dark,
We are alone ,
Sadness is covering us ,
Not letting us to move away.

But still there is only one hope,
From you !
God ,cover us from this situation,
Shows us the right path ,
Shows us light ,
Show us a place where our life's is safe ,
Where there is hope of joy ,
Where there is no fear ,
Where the people can live freely ,
Without any doubt in innermost depth.
You can save us ,
Destroy the bad ,
Just like you did with those inhuman monsters,
We need you ,
To bring a better future .

My lord ! Help us .