

A war with society!!!
we live in a world today, where were at war, not only with other's, but from within our self's.

A deep sadness is felt throughout the world, tension felt. no matter what route you take.

I'm not sure where, or when thing's when wrong. a nightmare that's gone totally wrong.

This can't be how life is supposed to be, God intended a beautiful journey.

A life full of love, happiness, and laughs. Family had a close bond, friendships lasted along time.

pain, and hardships, were a time where loved one's came together too help one another.

no matter what the situation was, nobody turned their backs on one another.

In today's society, we live the opposite of the past. family's are torn apart, and breaks each other's heart.

trust is broken , love is silent, people are so quick to take, mistakes are put in our face .

Forgiveness is pick, and choose, when people want, or if they decide too.

so much hate spreads through our air, like a contagious, flu, one can't bear.

people have sick, and twisted mindsets they hurt one another just for a simple laugh.

our children are taught to take the same old path, too harm other's, destroy and tare each other down.

it's going way further then being a class clown, the cool, funny kid, that does thing's their not aloud.

Bullying is now the thing that kids are doing for fame. Hurting and causing pain .

A sad way too live, but a reality we all have too face. what has our world came too, when our children can't even be safe at school.

We teach them the right things to do, ask them to stop, then tell an adult, if that's not enough fight back, and protect their self.

This is when people want to point fingers, and place the blame on the innocent, who did nothing but took in their own hands.

what else does one do, when their back is against the wall, and their stuck , and don't know what too do.

They took the abuse mentally and physically for way too long. They cried out for help, but was ignored.

nobody wants to hear another's cry, until action takes place. or it's way too late.

A child can't escape, or can no longer take the pain. so they think their only way out, is taking their self out ending their life.

a sadness I can't fathom. a feeling I can't bare. where is the love and care ,the respect.

I'll never understand why our world has become so evil, and cruel, but I know this can't be it.

we can't be going like this, life can't end like this. Good people are far, and between, but there is still a few left.

we have too do something to make a change, we can't sit back and do nothing.

we must come together, their is proof it can be done, we have to believe it can and will happen.

have faith in our higher power that he will protect us along the way.

I live too make a difference, and will never give up, I refuse too die watching this world cry in pain, without doing anything, until my last breath, I'll leave this world, knowing I tried my best!!!

By: Elizabeth Smith!!

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