

Whispers of Azure by Loyd Davis Jr
Whispers of Azure.
A trucker's heart, resilient through strife. His family, a constellation of pain, Siblings' shadows casting disdain. In the rearview mirror, memories collide,
Ex-wife's betrayal, a tempest inside. She whispered venom, poisoned their bond, Turned their children away, hearts beyond. An 18-wheeler's roar, fate's cruel twist, Metal and asphalt, life's near-miss. Yet from the wreckage, ink bloomed—a phoenix's flight,
He penned dreams into existence, day and night. Published words, his refuge, his creed, A homeless bard, pages his only need. Tennessee's streets, his unwritten tome, Echoes of longing, whispers of home. Sickness gnaws, mortality's refrain,
Fear grips tight—dying alone, the pain. But ink flows still, a legacy to weave, In solitude, he finds solace, believes. For every chapter ends, yet stories persist, In the margins of life, hope insists. And perhaps, in the quiet of night's embrace, He'll find a final chapter—a different grace.
Written By: Loyd Davis, Jr.
© Loyd Davis, Jr.