

We were different
We are different

You belong to a world different from mine, and I tried a thousand times to follow you into it.

I convinced myself that someday your heart would find a way to reach mine, but the more I watched the time go by, the more I was sure that day would never come.

I deluded myself with a life where there was a us, until I understood that we were never the same.

The difference between you and me is that for me the fear was always the answer and for you the question.

For me the answer because I knew that if I felt fear it was because the love I had inside me was too big to not want to lose you.

For you the question because you never asked it, there was always the answer, but you never asked the question

We were different because we ran in a circle in the opposite direction, I ran towards your love and your fears, I think that's why I could never focus on you.

We were different because I held you with my love while you ran to escape my grasp

Different because my mind was screaming "he scares me, I'm trying" and yours was screaming "he scares me, I'm leaving".

Different because I loved him so much that I wasn't willing to let go, and you loved him so little that you were willing to let go.

I think the difference between you and me is that I always looked at us for our virtues, and you never failed to see our faults, I walked along paths full of obstacles with solutions, while you crawled along paths full of solutions painting obstacles.

The difference was that you didn't want to stay, and I didn't know how to leave.
© By...Pao