

The Heart of Telangana
The Heart of Telangana

In the rugged heart of Telangana,
where the land is as ancient as time itself,
the natural beauty speaks in quiet, earnest tones.

There is the sun, rising over the Deccan Plateau,
its light spilling over the red earth,
casting long shadows on the fields,
where farmers toil with hands calloused by years,
their lives entwined with the soil, simple and true.

The Godavari, winding its way through the land,
carving valleys deep and wide,
its waters a lifeline, a mirror to the sky,
reflecting the hopes of a thousand villages.

Here, the hills stand tall, stoic sentinels,
their peaks kissed by the morning mist,
whispering secrets to the wind,
stories of warriors and sages,
of battles fought and wisdom gained.

In the forests, the teak and bamboo sway,
a dance to the rhythm of the monsoon rains,
each drop a note in nature’s symphony,
a reminder of life’s relentless cycle.

There are the birds, a riot of color and song,
flitting through the canopy,
their calls a hymn to the dawn,
a celebration of the day’s first light.

And in the evening, when the sun dips low,
the sky turns to fire,
painting the land in hues of gold and crimson,
a final flourish before the night takes hold.

The stars, countless and bright,
watch over the land in silence,
their light a testament to the enduring beauty,
the timelessness of Telangana.

This is a place where nature speaks plainly,
where beauty is found in the raw, the real,
a land that holds its history close,
and looks to the future with unyielding hope.

© AJ Wappelhorst/Bear Klan Media

#poetrycommunity #poem #India