

A book knows it’s reader,
like a cigarette knows a smoker,
a coach knows a closer way before he pitched.
But there’s a difference in you that causes a divergence.
but where do you Belong?
do you belong somewhere closer to your heart or somewhere further away from it.
To have something to long for. Something to chase. So the further and further back you get,
from where you Belong you can start imaging those subtle checkpoints of where you want to be, pop up in your life.
A College Degree,
The Small Texas Town Ranch House,
you felt in your sleep at night
The woman you dreamed of recreating movie scenes with,
If to belong feels like a series of checkpoints or a roller coaster that took 10 years to build.
I want to feel the urge to know what it is i belong for,
and when my first checkpoint will start.
Where do i Belong?
© Jaxon Boyd