

Dead in the night,the full moon appears,
silence dominates and inexplicable calmness.
The air is tense,filled with unusual quietness
The perfect time for the one that walks the night.

The cold night spars uneasiness,
quick lightsteps,she hides beneath the shadows.
Confident,calculative and alert she lies quietly
waiting patiently for the next .

He walks with care and caution,
he's heard stories countless times,
"don't go there" they say "he who goes never comes back"
But the reason,they never tell.

He plunges into the darkness,he goes further
His instincts warns him,tells him of his foolishness
But he continues to walk with fake confidence,
Into his ruins,he gallantly approached.

Delight springs, she comes out of hiding,
the full moon shines brightly.
He runs, sweating and panicking but
how far could he go?

The predator meets her prey,the smacking combination,
At one nightly strike,the world became blank.
"You shouldn't have come here" the voice whispered quietly
'The End Has Come'

© Bluebear