

why do people come and go?
why do people love and hate?
why do we not get what we wishes for?
why is life so difficult?
why does life suck nd sweet at the same time?
we wishes to leave the world but work so hard to survive and stay alive.
WHY !!!?

why do we love and sometimes end up hating?
why do we eventually become stranger to our favorite person?
why do we hate how love hurts bit cants stop longing for the feeling of love?
why do we fight so hard to be loved when we know it will hurt us the most?
WHY !!!?

people are struggling the most in the world but yet the work so hard.
why do the poor become poorer and the rich beome richer?
Why do the poor work so hard?, even with the knowledge that his chance of being rich is slim.
WHY !!!?

The cry if justic is every where in the world but no one seems to be listening 😪
why do we have the authorities and nothing nis done to these crimes?
The why do people still fight for justice?when we know that in our world justice can't prevail
WHY !!!?

Why do we fight everyday of our life for one thing or the other and sometimes end up not getting any?
we have to many battles which is waiting for us to give up or give in but we have have refused to do so

This is the questions in my head
but I think I have the answer.
Not because a situation has refused to change does not mean it cants be changed.
life is a battle field and the fighting of a man begins with its first breathe and ends with the last one
A man is a born fighter
we don't give in to situations
we humble them and make them obey us
so a man who stops fighting is better off dead because there is nothing worth living for
we have to keep fighting no matter how much it's hurts

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