

The past is like Halloween,
It will always come back to haunt you.
Its something you've been expecting at some point,
But it come knocking violently, dislocating joints.
Its like there is something ripping your soul into shreds.
Reminding you of those thoughts, those feelings you dread.
Making you feel out of place
Not like it was something you could relate.
But no sense if belonging
You try and talk to someone, about it. Your thoughts. Your feelings that you were longing.
However all you get is a misundestanding,
What you try to tell them its ends up with a branding.
The branding if them calling you being crazy or mentally insane,
Smashing that little bit if trust that you had, reminding you of the pain.
Realising there was no gain.
The past is like Halloween,
It will always come back to haunt you.
The thing that you were sprinting away from, comes right up to your doorstep.
Understanding that there is no escape to this.

© mia1100