

Nobody is like You
I try to find you in everyone
I try to find you in everything
But still I can't find anyone like you.

Many people met
They gave a lil bit of your feeling
Then I tried to see you in them
But no,they aren't like you.

I think I would never find someone
Who will love me as you did
Who will give me that feeling
Which came when we were together

I didn't find someone like you
Now, I don't want to find
Everyone has their own personality
So how can I find you in them
How can I love them as I love you

I can see people as they are
I don't want to find you in them
You are you and they are they
And I'll never love anyone like
You love me and I love you.

I know you still love me
Like you used to do
And I also love you
And this love is enough for me.

I am waiting for the day
When we both meet in our world
The world of stars and moon
And we both go to heaven
And there we'll live together
As we wished to live

Just ask God to take me soon
I am also praying that I may come soon
Don't worry about me I am fine
Just remember that you are mine.
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