

Me and my shadow
Someone is calling me , but I am alone here ,
looking here and there , who is calling,
it's my shadow ,
very long and quietly observing me ,
All my movements , changing shape and size .
It's like a great painter is sketching emotions over a canvas.
My shadow is asking me , do you have any self assessment report , you generally project yourself as symbol of honesty and human Idol.
But I saw you are most corrupt and dishonest person.
Any person is judged by inner thoughts which start running instantly whenever someone is exposed to any situation.
No one knows the actual character of person and only influenced by the acting of a great artist.
I replied to my shadow , my dear friend , those who are most successful in life management, they are the real talanted actor , not those who are performing in stage .

My greed , my desire for pleasure , my fear to lose some things , my fantasy , is always driving me internally all the time since I got maturity in life.

But I am capable to manage my inner thoughts without having any face expression, not an appreciable act ?
All set , but only issue to face self in a dark room when alone .
I have nothing to justify for all my inner act ,just silently accept me as insects of a garbage tank.
But I am most respectable person in society and great father and great son and also a great husband and most trustworthy.

My shadow , if I lose control , I may be the most hated person in the society.
When I born , my inner sense had no existence, but with my growing maturity , observed the influence of inner world and art of acting.

Now I really fed-up in my life and I have losing my strength to face me when I am alone in a dark room.
I like to respect me as a person by purifying the inner sense.

Spirituality is a journey to get strength to face self and building emotional control to listen inner voice as driving force of life all the time.
But the tragedy is , influence of spirituality is not long lasting, only momentory , in presence of only strong influence.
My shadow, I have no inclination to purifying my life now as I am addicted to my outer life, let me continue.
I am your shadow , my existence is only for the reason which you are manipulating to live your life under a dark clouds of dishonesty.
I may disappear if someone is a true projction of inner sense in actual life.
But any human being without shadow is like seeing GOD in earth.

© flavour of life