

The Great Lakes
I've never felt quite right here, out of place
Surrounded by chaos, a world gone astray
Where even buzzing bees can't enjoy the grace
Of spring flowers blooming in the light of day

I long to be by the great lake of poets
Where inspiration flows like a gentle stream
Connecting to the masterpiece of water
A place where I can truly find my dream

To talk to singers who have graced this shore
To learn from their emotional evolution
The crezendo of all which life has in store
And the clarity of the overall confusion

To witness dancers moving evermore
Beside the beauty of this grand illusio
As the soft pirouette on the hardwood floor
As I find the great and beautifull conclusion

But most of all, I yearn to hear the poets
Dive into truth, connect with words and hearts
In this great lake, where creativity starts

Forgive me if I choose to turn away
From societal norms that confine and bind
For in this place, I long to stay and play
With those who seek to free their wandering mind

I'll swim in waters deep, where muses speak
And let their words wash over me and heal
For here, among the poets by the creek
I find a sense of purpose that is real

I am not just a puzzle piece to please
But a soul that longs for depth and connection
With those who write the truth, with graceful ease
And give voice to the silent introspection

So let me dwell in this poetic space
Where beauty blooms and creativity finds grace
© tortured poet