

the secret place

Sometimes i run away
To a place where i'm free
Where no worries dane it worthy
To come and bother me

I can't always go,
No, that's not the case.
Sometimes im stuck
In a really nasty place

Where a monster comes and tells me
That i'm not enough
That no one will love me
That i'm not made of strong stuff

And the problem with that monster
A problem i don't want to admit
is the voice comes from inside me
so no one can kill it

But sometimes i manage
to slip away and escape,
And i run far, far away
To leave behind all the hate

This place is always waiting
For me to come to call
A secret place only i know of
Hidden behind a tall wall

It has birds and flowers,
And a warm loving hand
Soft creamy white clouds
And a spot in the sand

I go away for hours,
And don’t make any mistakes
But when i come back
I know it was all fake

© l.l.g.