

Help Me Starlight
Starlight gleaming in the darkness of the sky, please tell me how you continue glowing even when the world has become so dark.

Let me in on the secret as I wish to know how to keep my head held high when my thoughts darken. When all I think about is joining the blackness.

Starlight if only if only you would care about me and teach me your secret. Do not let my flare flicker out during a time of need.

Communicate with me and let me see those skeletons hidden in your closet. They hold the knowledge of your success.

Please just help this once. I'm scared of this dullness that creeps in till it engulfs me whole. Why are you being so difficult, Starlight?

Is it because you do not care? Could it be you want me engulfed surrounded by the emptiness? Are you trying to tell me the light I hold is worthless?

Oh Starlight, I get it now. It is not that you don't want to share. You too will be gone in a few minutes as the sun begins to rises. Oh how many nights you've gone through this alone. How scared you too must have been.

I see it clearly at this moment. You will not be alone this time when the sun rises and extinguish your brightness. Instead we both will fall as our light vanishes from the darkness. It was a pleasure dear Starlight.
© BearlyRaquel