

Passion Of Reading...
Sometimes it is best to be in solitude,
To separate from the crowd,
So no one will intrude,
As you mumble tales alone aloud,
Skimming through the pages of your favourite book,
Under the lampshade light over the table,
Reading till late at night,
Having been immersed in the intricacies of the plot,
postponing the sleep several times,
To the near completion of the book,
Set run the Podcast for some chapters,
When we take up house chores,
Alongside the Work,
The Podcast of the book running in the background,
All set towards completing the book,
Books are the best companion,
One can ever think of,
As they would say,
"Books are the stairway to success"
Books are part of our life,
If you realise the power of reading,
It shapes up the character of a person,
It takes us to the fresh knowledge,
Whose meaning is deeply rooted.
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