

I ruminate about our old memories
Now and then
All day long
In music, I hear
In flowers that I see blooming
On this cold evening
And in each minute things.

These mementos become
Strong when I am alone,
They want me to preserve them more,
To keep them constantly alive
Smiling and radiant
In my heart and soul.

We are at a distance
But still, we are close
In our thoughts and eyes,
Darling, I love you so much
And you know that
Without me saying.

We haven't met for more than three years
But, we hope to meet in the future
To make up for the lost time
We are looking ahead to endow each other
With lots of love, kisses, and cuddles.

© Jyotsana Rajadhyaksha
#jyo71 #WritcoQuote #writcoapp #memories #lovepoem #remember