

Gazing at the stars,
I see life
But the mirror shows
A dead being alive

Facing real world is challenging
To play between wrong and right
Truth and lies are weapons
Entities combating a fierce fight

Happiness is forgone
Money speaks louder
Felony reaches the apex
Victim's shriek none hears

Friendship promises promised for eternity
Strangled midway about to perish
Smiling memories weeping in pain,
Mates together but bond extinguished

Purity of love is lost
People's hunger crave for lust
Soul to soul is no more connected
Trust doesn't matter, body comes first

Career is still the priority
Business wants a higher profit
White collar projects disguise
Proliferated malpractices, rational travellers are rit

Behind the curtains real act is played
Unveiled information is implicit
Secrets are precisely kept for self benefit
Justice rest in coffin, tombstone of tort being elicit

Change is the law of mother nature
But this time it's gloomy one
Almighty's apocalypse will soon impend
To start a fresh new holy run!!!
© TheGloomyFire