

When your eyes met mine (Under the streetlamp)
Wet pavements, reflecting the city lights,
Rain pouring down, from the dark night sky,
The street lamp flickered, making your eyes meet mine,
As the strong gust made two clouds collide.

The thunder was followed by the heavy rain,
Winds blowing, making the leaves complain,
Raindrops on your plum lips, making me insane,
But everything stopped when I saw your orbs holding pain,

Your dark brown eyes were now blinded by tears,
Trying to hold back the ocean of fears,
The ocean reflected your heart crystal clear,
I saw the wounds ignored, that my heart mirrored.

The urge to heal you and the desire to make you mine,
Rose into my heart and shone like a flame in my eyes,
I held your hand and saw something shining in the night,
When your eyes met mine.