

New Journey
BY C Wynter

My spirituality is calling and I answer in the way of a bit unsure,
I don't know how to be a Christian and i can't help but seek more,
I can't quote scriptures, does this mean I am lacking?,
More of a quiet person, so in praise I'm not one to do much shouting,
I am trying to open up myself to receive God's words and grace,
A baby just learning to crawl, I feel odd and out of place,
But still I try, as I have a yearning to be close to the Lord,
So even in my clumsiness, I will search for him, despite how hard,
So help me almighty Father, as I humbly seek to be within your presence,
That even when the negativity says I'm not enough, I will be present,
In your word that has kept me from falling, Lord hold my hand,
I am nothing without you Lord, I seek peace in the one I AM,
So as I battle with this, Lord remind me of my worth,
That you love me regardless so for you I will always search,
Thank you for listening to my words, thank you for loving me,
Thank you for awareness, for breakthrough on this new journey.

© C.Wynter